My slave drivers of bosses gave me the morning off to take care of the orientation day at kindergarten. Chase was a happy boy that morning and very excited. I got up early and moved pipe in the field that Dad's been irrigating and came home to the boy and his mother eating blueberry pancakes that she had made. What a nice mother. :) I got ready and even had a pancake myself. We drove to school in Sugar city and as we pulled up there was a policeman at the crossing guard. I was instantly paranoid with all the drugs and firearms I had in the truck, but we made it through ok. We pulled into the parking lot and I had to swerve to miss all the kids, they had the whole lot filled up. I missed most of them, but I still got a couple. I'm not sure if I get points for them. :) OK, we get out and walked into the school. I got a pic or two of Chase by the sign so we would have them for his memories. I walked into the school with him and asked for Mrs. Clintons classroom. It was down at the end of the hall though the books to the left. Chase new exactly how to follow the instructions and found the room. Mrs. Clinton showed him where to hang his backpack. We went into the classroom and found his chair and I got busy on signing him up. I got all his sign in stuff done and even signed Michelle up for all the PTA stuff and all the special programs that require her to do all kinds of extra things that all the "status" mom's do. I hope she doesn't mind. ;p While I was signing them up I was approached by all the mothers there that thought I was just the shit because I was there. You'd think they had never seen a man before the way they were all over me. I have several dates lined up later. I'll post pics and stories of that later. ;) After we were done, I found where chase gets on the bus to come home and he found his bus, the happy hen, and introduced him to his driver. He screamed and bawled that he hated her and she was a mean looking old lady, so I took him home to his daycare and went back to work where I promptly had my ass chewed by the boss and all the employees hate me now. So that was the day. :)
Ok so that was a little much but I will let it stand :) :) :) So here are some of the pics!
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