Well a lot has happened since I posted last. Lets see we had major busy Christmas season at work. Christmas was a uneventful and nice. Stayed home for most of it then spent Christmas night with Rashelle and her family we had a nice dinner and then played games and hung out it was a nice end to the day. I did get a few days off for the holiday which was nice. Then my little brother got married on the 31st, Him and Rachel decided to things a little backwards we had the reception on the 30th and then they got married on the morning of the 31st then we had a luncheon and then they left for their honeymoon and we got the rest of the day to relax and celebrate new year's eve. My sister Melissa came home from IN. for the wedding and it was good to see her it had been more than a year and she is having a baby in march so it might be the last time I see her again for awhile. Everything went well the couple looked great and happy. Then the weekend after my mom and dad went up to MT. for the open house for Mark and Rachel they managed to go all that way with out most of the snow and wind that the weathermen had predicted. Here are a couple of pics from Christmas and the wedding.
Chase and his new winter coat Santa brought ;)

Chase Opening Presents

Mark, Rachel, Mom, Dad and Grandma Winter
Forrest and Chase at the reception